Friday, April 23, 2010

Earthschooling on Amtrak

Relocated to New BLOG at:


  1. What a fun and educational trip for you both! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

  2. How exciting, Kristie! I've always wanted to take a train across the country and you are inspiring me to do it! I love how much you are learning on this trip :D

    I wish I could meet you & Sofi in person this weekend, but we just couldn't swing it this year - maybe next! Good luck and lots of hugs to you. Say hi to the Tan's from me :D


  3. Wow! how very cool...I havent been on a train since living in the UK and had forgotten the sheer magic if it...What a lovely experience to share with your daughter...

  4. @Jen - I wish we could have seen you in CA! @Sidonie - yes it is so magical! @Jennifer - get a sleeping berth for four - the one that goes window to window. It is the BEST! We got one on sale.
