Monday, June 15, 2009

Out of the Classroom

This article can now be found on our new BLOG:


  1. It's fascinating to imagine how very different the world used to be. I found some fossils while camping in landlocked Montana, too.

    I think learning sticks so much better when you can really experience what you are learning. And has alot to do with learning styles.

  2. Exactly! All a child needs is an engaged parent and access to the world around them. Kudos to you for providing both!

  3. I could not agree with you more!
    Earthschooling... I like that!
    My kids (and I!) would love to find a fossil site like this, what a wonderful experience!

  4. Thank you everyone for visiting and leaving comments :) I wish I could arrange a field trip for us all to go fossil hunting! My kids want to go again now. Anyone near Minneapolis? It was only about 1.45 hours from MN.
