Friday, March 6, 2009

A Special Birthday Cake

Abby leave the frosting alone!

Note: For a weekly peek into our Waldorf day (including pictures of lesson plans and lessons) I invite you to join us at for the member's BLOG :)

Last week Sunii, age 12, and I did something very special. Or, to put it more accurately, Sunii did something very special and I was his assistant! He was very specific about what I could and could not do so mostly he had me go "fetch" things - LOL - while he made his sister a three-tier birthday cake. The most amazing thing for me was that we used the same cake set that my mom and I used to use when I was 10-years-old! My mom actually had it in her basement years ago and gave it to me when I was first married. I have kept it since then but had only used it before with my eldest daughter. The pan was then lost for some time so I had to wait until Sunii was older to use it with him. My favorite quote was when Sunii said, "Make sure everyone knows I made the cake" before 12 of Sofi's friends came over for the party!

For a weekly peek into our Waldorf day (including pictures of lesson plans and lessons) I invite you to join us at for the member's BLOG :)


  1. OH! This is so touching....siblings make birthday cakes for each other in our family too... cherished memories, forever.

  2. The cake is absolutely fabulous!
