Monday, September 8, 2008

Children, Nature and Us Conference in Boulder, CO

It's that time of year again...time to sign up for the annual Waldorf conference in Boulder, CO. The topic this year is "Children, Nature and Us" and browsing the flyer it looks like 90% of the topics would really appeal to anyone who is interested in that topic and not just Waldorf parents so please pass this information on to any environmental groups you are part of and your homeschooling lists. As usually I am "blown away" by the speakers that are gathering to speak. WOW!

I always get so excited looking at the brochure and browsing all the topics. There are always too many to choose from. But I have to admit (shhhh) that most of all I really look forward to all those homemade snacks the Waldorf teens sell outside the conference hall with warm tea and coffee ....hmmm...just the thing to have while I am browsing the dreamy Waldorf-toy vendors and my kids are happily knitting or making warm bread in one of the school-rooms. This will be the 6th time I have attended this conference. The first one I attended was 10 years ago when they were still being held in Ann Arbor, MI !

The lovely brochure is here. It has a list of all the speakers and Registration info.

You can also regiser below. Register early because the awesome Waldorf childcare fills up fast and that is one of the best things about the conference. I learned that the "hard way" the second year I attended. Now I make sure to sign up for childcare ASAP.


Blessings & Health,

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