Friday, April 25, 2008

The Un-Planned Waldorf Enrichment Day

I had so many plans for today but the best parts of the day turned out to be the things I had not planned at all!
We took a nature walk on the drippy muddy trail and discovered patches of clover, a tulip getting ready to bloom and some daffodils by the creek. We discovered that the water sounded gentle in one area of the creek but it sounded much louder in the area where it was running faster. We all had a pair of binoculars and we saw a Goldfinch, a Robin and a Bluejay! G said, "I can always tell what a bird is before I see it because they always say their names. Like a hawk says "haaaawk! haaaaawk! and a blue jay says "Jaaaay! Jaaaaay!" I thought that was wonderful!

When we came home from the walk we got out the block crayons and colored pencils to draw and color. However, we ended up spending just as much time reading the German names of the colors on the Lyra pencil set and enjoying the different sounds of the language...

After lunch we were going to do some theater and storytelling but then the kids saw my "magic trunk" in the corner (a trunk where I keep a bunch of wooden magic set props that I have collected over the years) and we ended up learning how to use all the tricks in the box and giving shows to each other for 2 hours! Towards the end Sweetie Pie (the bunny) got a little too curious and almost ended up in a magic trick but she was too quick for the magician's hat - LOL! So she ate some leftover apple peels from snack time instead...

So I end the day feeling like I've just been 7-years-old again :) What fun!

Hope you all your schedule changes were joyful surprises today too!

Blessings & Health,


1 comment:

  1. I love these kinds of days, they seem like the most productive and fulfilling-even if the laundry pile is climbing to the ceiling.
