Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sneaky Sneaky...

Warning: If you don't have a weird sense of humor don't read this. If you do then I claim complete immunity to what you may think about me after this post (LOL)...

oooh....the thing I love about BLOGGING is it is so easy I can just sneak away for five minutes something....and everyone thinks I've just gone to get a drink of water in the kitchen or something (LOL)....anyway...wanted to share a highlight of our Easter morning. The Easter bunny left piles and piles of artificially colored AND flavored Jelly Bellies all over our house - even soap and bacon flavor! (this is our artifically flavored and colored allowance for the YEAR!). let you in on a little sense of the weird humor we have around here (we like to laugh A LOT!!!)...we have this bunny that roams free in our house and she sometimes leaves little bunny poopies places. She is very good about peeing in her litter box, but the little balls sometimes need to be picked up. This is OK with me since they are always very dry and compact and it is not a big deal...

So I could not resist seeing the similarities in the Easter Bunny. Hey! The Easter Bunny leaves Jelly Beans instead of little brown balls like our bunny does. Cool! My kids just groaned "MOM!", looked at the jelly beans a little closer (I might not be joking after all...) and then decided to eat them anyway.

Perhaps it was the Tibetan singing bowl they put them in that purified them? I was asleep when they did their jelly bean hunt so I am not sure how the Tibetan singing bowl became an Easter Basket.... time you see jelly bellies all over your house just think...the Easter Bunny can't do all that work in one night without stopping for a break somewhere!

Blessings & Health,


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