Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Waldorf DVDs Available for IMMEDIATE Download

Dear All,

Most of my video and audio instructions for craft projects and Waldorf enrichment blocks (not the lesson plans, just the blocks) are now available for immediate download from:


This means you save a lot on the price of the DVD (since you are downloading the cost is less), you don't pay postage, you get to listen, read or view your file right away (this is great for people living overseas) AND we are helping to save the environment because we are not producing any more paper or metallic waste on earth :)

Titles Available are:
(I will upload more as they become available)

Videos (these are the full DVD - available in two downloads, I don't use ZIP files because not everyone has winzip and I have had trouble with it in the past)
How to Knit (A Unicorn)
Waldorf Birthday Parties
Herbs for Kids
Woodworking with Kids

Knitting & Weaving for Kids
Multiplication Tables
Storytelling & Theater for Kids
Herbs for Kids
Woodworking for Kids
Natural Gifts Kids Can Make
Cooking with Kids

Audio Files
All sudio from our Radio Show can be downloaded for play on your MP3 compatible player here (this includes mobile phones and other devices other than MP3 players that play MP3s)

Blessings & Health,

Kristie Burns
Teacher, Healer & Artist
Storytime radio, Lesson plans, Free visual resources, Healing classes, Discount natural living items, Herbal consulting online, Crafts & More at:

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